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-- March 26 2003, A day spent Benchmark Hunting --

Decided to go back today and look for the benchmarks I didn't find before (HU0822 and HU0823) and bike down that road to get some more. I found a mess of benchmarks all lined up as you follow the road. All were marked with paint on the road by the State Highway Administration (of Maryland).

One I encountered that wasn't on my GPS and therefore marked as "not found" or not listed in the geocaching database. I think this might be JU1326 but I'm not sure. I sent out an email to get confirmation. (Wouldn't that be nice to recover a lost benchmark?).

It took me an hour to get to Bridgetown, a small very old town in Maryland's Eastern Shore. The mark I found most interesting was JU1327 which was by a very old brick church past a very small bridge.

A sign tells of the church's history and dates it to be more than 362 years old! Wow!

The way back was much harder. The wind was against me and I was tiring but still managed to get home in about the time it took me to get there. There's one more benchmark up that way (that I have listed in my GPS anyway) that I'll go back for another day.

Great weather looking for these. Took pictures, left footprints :)

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