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Unique visitors since October 2009.




I like my digial camera, a Sipix Stylecam Blink, which cost just $35 (and $5 s/h). It's a neat little device and has good picture quality for the price. The quality is slightly better than shown here because these images were scaled down (compressed) to save on the time it takes to download them. Here is a picture of the camera.

Click on the image or link to see the album for each date (or event).

bridgetown_historic_church 4. March 26 2003 - A day spent Benchmark Hunting (HU0822, HU0823, HU0827, JU1323, JU1325, JU1327, and some mystery disk (Cutoff 8o))
wyeknotcornfield 4. March 24 2003 - Why not look for Wye Knot?
xmas_cache 3. March 07 2003 - The X-MAS 2002 geocache
treetops 2. October 22 2002 - Looking for Tuckahoe By Sea
benchmark 1. October 15 2002 - Benchmark HU0825

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